need's a long one.

Darlene • 24, Single Mommy to a beautiful baby girl born on June 14, 2016💓
So here's my's a long one so bare with me please. I was off and on with my now ex boyfriend for about 6 months. I ended up getting pregnant around oct 2015. We had broken up a few weeks before I found out. When I told him he basically blamed me for getting pregnant, because I was on birth control at the time which obviously failed me. So I went through my whole pregnancy alone, I tried and tried to get him involved through the process, but he just didn't budge. He had ended up getting back to together with the mother of his first child, she knew I was pregnant and basically told me she can't make him be there for our daughter and it's his decision...whatever fast forward to June I had her at 37 weeks, she was in the NICU for about a week, had some complications breathing and a broken leg from being stuck in a weird position in my belly. Through all that I told him I had her and she was in the NICU. He didn't really care just asked how she was and to keep him updated, didn't bother to drive over to see her nothing. I spent everyday in the NICU with her alone, till I got to finally bring her home. Fast forward to today she is almost 6 months old, and a thriving beautiful smart baby girl, I've raised her all on my own with no help from him, not once has he tried to contact me. I suffered from PPD throughout all this because of my depression during pregnancy, my traumatic birth expierience, and having to do this all on my own. A couple days ago I found his mother on Facebook and decided to message her and just tell her everything to see if she knew anything or not. Turns out she never knew she had a grand child and she was very upset. (She lives in another state, he lives by me because he is in the military.) well his girlfriend told her that I never told them he had a daughter, which was dismissed really quick since I had all the screenshots that i keep in case I have to go to court. So his mom told me she's really upset he's doing what he's doing since she was a single mother herself and he should have know better, and that no matter what she's here now and I won't have to stress anymore. It honestly made me feel better. BUT then I told my parents that she would be coming down Next month for Christmas and the response I got was "I wouldn't trust her, be careful." Or "she's going to try and get custody. Don't say we didn't tell you so." Mind you, my daughters dad is black and they weren't exactly thrilled when I told them the news of being pregnant, so I'm thinking it has to do a little with that, And I honestly just feel so hurt that they would want my daughter to be limited to the family she knows...I've never kept my daughter from him, so why would I keep her from his mom? Am I over reacting? Or are my parents right? In the end I just want my daughter to have MORE. She deserves all the love she can get. They just makes me feel like I'm a bad person for wanting her to know her dads side...