
I wish I had people I could talk too. I been with my so for 2 years now. And for the last couple of months, I have had strange feelings that come and go. Now some back story of us. I met my so online after ended an relationship 7 months prior. We exchange phone number and hit it off. We met and the first night we had sex then he disappeared for 2 weeks. We connected and started a relationship. Now we have had trust issues, I haven't done anything but my so is a major flirt on the internet. I have caught him in several lies. I believe he hasn't sleep with anyone but I know he talks to other females. It's to the point well I just brush it off but inside I hate it. I have talked to him but nothing has change. I think I am only putting up with it because I don't want to lose him. Sad I know. He really is a good guy other then the flaw. I have a 4 year old son and he step up and is the best male role model in his life. I'm just confused and worried.