Birth Story

On Oct 31st I went in for my 38 week check up at 11 am. The Dr checked me and I was at 2-3cm and 80% effaced. I then met my mom at her hair stylists place to get all my hair chopped off. (I have long curly hair that I was tired of taking care of.) While there I start cramping, which didn't surprise me, it happened the last time I was checked. After we got done there we went to renew my plates and run an errand for my mom. We get back to my mom's house around 330 or 4 and the I laid down on the couch hoping that would help with the cramps, which had gotten worse as we ran around. By 530 I decided that I was actually having contractions, they had just been continued to increase in intensity and we're only a couple minutes apart. So we get to the hospital and they hook me up to the monitors to see if I was actually having contractions, I was, and checked me. I was then at a 3 to 4 and 100% effaced. The Dr decided to admit me because I had obviously progressed from that morning. I labored with just some pain meds until about 11 and then decided to get the epidural, which I hadn't wanted originally but do not regret getting. After that I was able to relax and sleep periodically until I was checked again at almost 4 and the nurse decided it was time to push. I did not feel much, except for a small spot where the contractions broke through on my left side. And at 430 am, Nov 1st, I gave birth to my precious baby boy Stone Mason weighing 6lbs 3.2oz and 20.5 in long. I had a 2nd degree tear and some how injured my tail bone, but wouldn't change it for the world.