how my fiancé's Dad treats him

This is my safe place to vent without judgement. I can't stand how ungrateful my soon to be father in law is torwards his son... his son does a lot for him, mows his yard, cleans up the house when it needs it, brings him food. My man goes over to help him at  he drop of a dime! This man has nothing but negative nasty things to say to my fiancé he does nothing but tear him down and damages his self esteem along with stresses him out. My fiancé asked for help with money for Christmas and his dad freaked out on him threw multiple situations at him and made him sound like he was nothing but a lazy piece of trash which isn't true. My fiancé works very hard for his money granted it's a shit end job but he works he takes care of his kids. My fiancé and his ex wife have a dhs case thanks to the ex wife using drugs in front of the kids. My fiancé had a great job making 15.00 am hour but the schedule wasn't working with the kids because his mom would have them feed them supper and bring them home, dhs said that's time that mommy should have not grandma and threatened to take the kids out of our care because his job was taking time from his kids. It's not his fault he had to leave the job it was keep the job and lose his kids to his ex whom lives in a drug house or comply with dhs and their wishes. I'm sorry I'd chose the kids. It makes me so angry how he tears down his own child and it's so childish to call a grown adult names