39 Weeks! Braxton Hicks or Early Labor?

Hey ladies! FTM mom here, please no rude comments🙄 I was reading up on nipple stimulation so I tried it for 15 minutes around 10PM. Quickly got BH So I stopped and went to bed. Since about 12AM I started having more braxton hicks, fell asleep and by 230 they woke me up and were slightly painful. Got in the shower at 3 and tried to fall asleep. Haven't been able to sleep for more than an hour and they feel like menstrual cramps along with dull aching in my lower back. It's now almost 330PM and still getting them every 6-8 minutes lasting 30 seconds. Can anyone help me differentiate braxton hicks and early labor pains?! I'm 50 minutes from the hospital and couldn't bare the thought of being sent home😕 Have any of you had any experiences with nipple stimulation?Â