Rude people

Marissa • Passionate about sex education
If you don't like a comment, leave. If you don't like a post, leave. Ah yes, me, a sex educator, how awful it is of me to give people advice and facts. I'm such an awful person for giving understanding (after difficult personal experiences) stats, and facts about reproduction. ESPECIALLY when they were asking for such things in their posts. How DARE I. Even though I have information from credible resources. Even though I have experience in sexual education. SUE ME. God, just because I've never been pregnant, doesn't mean I am not qualified to give factual information from my sexual education experience, and credible resources. My sex education teacher in high school had never been pregnant before, but does that mean her info was all wrong and unqualified? NO. Seriously, I understand if you're struggling with personal issues, pregnancy issues, or fertility issues. But do not bash me for giving people stats, facts, and understanding.