Baby looks only at left


Ok, so I am very worried and everyone acts like I see things, but I am the only one who spends 24 hours with my baby, so I do know much more and I do notice much more than anyone else. The thing is my baby tilts her head on left and looks only at left. She uses her left hand to grab things or suck her thumb and she almost ignors her right one. She looks only at left and when I call her , sing, do funny noices whatever she does not look at me if I stand at right. She hears me, she smiles but she does not look at me. She does not have shortened muscles, we did scan because I was thinking it might be torticollis. I do not know what else to do and my doctor does not care much about it. Please share your experience, your thoughts, your doubts. What the hell can I do to help her?

P.s. when I am trying to turn her head on right she cries. Also she hates tummy time. She is 12 weeks old.