My crazy birth story!

I had a healthy low risk pregnancy. My doctor checked me on my due date and said he wanted to induce me because I was ready! I was fully effaced and about 2cm dilated. I was so ready to meet our little man so I went with the induction. The night I was supposed to be induced, the hospital called saying they have no rooms available and had to cancel. I was devistated!! I cried all night and the next day. A day later, I called the hosp to see if they had openings and they did! I flew into the hosp and was hooked up after being admitted. My doc came in 15 min after I was hooked to the iv and broke my water /still only at 2cm dilated. I labored for a good 6 hours before asking for pain meds. They gave me some iv meds that made me very loopy. Those contractions were no joke... the pressure you feel is just crazy! I was given an epidural a few hours later and it was the best decision I made. I felt fantastic after and didn't feel anything! The contractions continued and I was progressing slowly. It was about 15 hours later that the docs rushed in because baby's heartbeat was slowing down with every contraction. They flipped me each different way to see if we could stabilize baby's heartbeat and it just wasn't happening. My husband and I began to worry. They gave me an oxygen mask to see if it would help.. it did help a bit as he was getting more oxygen. My doc called me on the phone and said if his heartbeat keeps slowing down with my contractions then I would need to get an emergency c section. I and my husband decided we didn't want to take any chances with the cord being around baby's neck and decided to just opt for c section. My doc said no, don't jump to that just yet. "Let's take you off pitocin and give your body a break". We did, but our nerves were getting the best of us. I remember at 3 am we were trying to rest but I was just laying there lifeless hearing baby's heartbeat stopping as my contractions started... at 4 am the nurse came in to check me and said omg you're at 10 cm. It's time to push!! My heart dropped... I was nervous, excited, scared... I ended up projectile vomiting everywhere right after she said that I was 10 cm' not sure if I was sick or if my nerves got the best of me. I was running a fever too.. but anyways, they had me do 3 test pushes and then my doc came in and I pushed 5 more times and my baby boy was welcomed into the world at 4:55am on 11/10/16. I didn't feel a thing thanks to the epidural. One little stitch was all I needed after my 6lbs 11oz baby Logan was born. He was born with his cord around his neck one time, but my doc was able to get it handled after his head came out. I'm so beyond blessed with our turn out and our son is just the light of our lives.