Trying for baby three (long read sorry)


Usually I don't vent on sites like these but I figured I'd do it in hopes for advice or something similar. I'm TTC for number three and of course it hasent been my luck for the last three months. I was going crazy testing which stressed my body and period was late etc. Today I'm late again and actually glow hasn't been very accurate with tracking my periods. It was supposed to start Saturday but I guess not. So I'm still waiting. I haven't been stressed.. actually had a glass of wine (don't judge me it cant hurt) just to relax. But my boobs are sore, feeling tired,constantly overthinking again. I want to stay relaxed this time. But today I feel extremely dizzy and most fell over. Maybe too much computer time or my eyes need a break but ive had dizzy spells with my first two very early on as well. But my anxiety gets the best of me thinking this and that. (I'm a Google symptoms freak!) Anyway the day I send my hubby out to get a cheapie test at Walmart they sold out! Ugh just my luck. So I'll have to wait until I can get to the store for one, while trying to stay calm. I hope my body isent playing tricks on me but I honestly think I could be this time around. Due to the sore breasts and dizziness no other symptoms so far. Af still not showing any sign, no cramps. I guess I'm like every other woman trying to seek advice.

Please try and respond or leave words of encouragement, I really would appreciate it right now. :)