I've met my boyfriends family but he doesn't want to meet mine?

I'm in a long distance relationship I've visited and managed to meet all of my boyfriends family, but he doesn't want to meet mine. He knows that they treat me not the best but it's still important that he meet them. It's not about wanting family approval I could give a shit whether or not he approves of them or they approve of him I just want my family to see him. I told him how important it was to me. He tells me he loves me and wants me to be apart of his family and that one day i will and they will do nothing but shower me with love to make up for what I never got from mine. I mentioned something unfortunate that happened with my family today and he responds with "Look I /like/ you but your family seems so toxic and I really don't want to meet them" why did he reduce his feelings to /like/ when this guy and I are working toward moving in together and getting married ?????  How are you going to manage that without ever seeing my family???? We've been together 2 years ???? like What do I do? I've tried explaining but he is not responsive and it makes me feel very awful