Baby girl came a little early @ 35 weeks

It's been a long, rough pregnancy but we made it! I was put on bedrest at 23 weeks due to preterm labor. At 34 weeks exactly I went into preterm labor again & had to go to the hospital and have it stopped (that shot is the worst by the way, I wouldn't wish it on anyone). When they checked me, I was 1 cm dilated, 80% effaced, & she was at -2 station (the nurse said she could feel her head). I got to go home that night though and only had sporadic contractions here & there for the next week. One night (at 35+2) I was laying in bed cuddling with my toddler, when I suddenly felt a small gush of fluid in my undies. At first I thought I maybe just peed myself, so went to the bathroom & cleaned myself up and put on new undies & new pantiliner. Went & laid back down, about 5 mins later the same thing happened. At this point I was starting to get suspicious about my water leaking but was unsure because it wasn't just gushing like I had read about (with my firstborn I was induced & my water was broken in the hospital so I wasn't sure what to expect honestly). Anyways, went to L&D to be safe, good thing I did because my water broke completely once I got there (definitely gushed at that point). They admitted me & waited to see if my labor would start on its own overnight. It didn't unfortunately, so they induced me the next morning with pitocin starting @ 5:30. At that point I was 2 cm dilated & she was at -1. I got the epidural around 8 and was able to rest/relax for a bit. Started feeling lots of pressure around 11, the nurse checked me & said "whoa, she's almost out already!" I was shocked, as labor took over 12 hours with my first! They paged my OB & the pediatric team (they warned me beforehand that she may have to go to the NICU depending on how her lungs were doing since she was coming early). It seemed to take my OB forever to get there, but she finally did and with 3 pushes Marceline Lee was born at 12:04 pm on 11/18/16. She came out screaming so her lungs were just fine & we got to do skin-to-skin for a while 😊 she weighed 5 lbs 9 oz, 18 inches of tiny cuteness. She wasn't due until 12/20 so we joked that she wanted to be here for Thanksgiving too instead of just Christmas 😉 she is so loved already by us & her big brother, Zane ❤️