Shitty Supervisor 💩😞

I understand that superiors in businesses may have to be assertive to get things done ,but my supervisor abused her power. She was very nasty and similar to the woman you described. She was a hypocrite. She would tell us to present ourselves highly, especially in front of customers. Next thing you know she'd turn right around and be really rude to customers (talk about them while they were there). I decided to resign and I think she was the tip of the iceberg ,but I don't regret it. What goes around comes around. After leaving I have to say I haven't had any luck with the job search. Although, I know it's easier to get a job when you're already employed vs. unemployed, I feel like she might have left really negative feed back about me. I don't put her down as a reference because I knew how she was. I actually left on good terms ,but how can I find out if she's leaving bad reviews/commentary or opinions about me to other employers? Any one that went through something similar?Â