9 weeks early

On November 27 my daughter decided to grace my husband and I with her presence at 31 weeks. It was the most insane, crazy, beautiful experience I've ever had. I woke up the day before thinking I peed my pants for not getting out of bed fast enough. It happened again later that day then 5 minutes after that and I knew something wasn't right. My mom told me to keep an eye on it and if it happened again to call on call. I put on two pantyliners and went to diner with my husband. When we returned they were soaked and starting to leak onto my pants. I called on call and the doctor said to go to the hospital immediately to be checked. Low and behold my water broke. They told me I would have to spend the remainder of my pregnancy in the hospital on bed rest, receiving medications to help keep her inside cooking longer. 
At about 1am I felt a huge gush and basically started going into labor. By 7am I was 5 cm dilated and around 9 I was 8.5 cm. I had enough time to get my epidural. Thank god!! That thing does wonders 😉 Things slowed a bit but 10 minutes after my nurse emptied my blatter with a catheter it was time to push. I pushed for 6 minutes before my little girl was born. I was so nervous she was going to be so tiny. She was crying so much, her lungs are so strong. She's honestly perfect! 3 lb, 11 oz and 17 inches long. Unfortunately, she has to spend atleast a month in NICU but we will be here everyday to see her. 
Sorry this post is so long. I just needed a good distraction while waiting for my husband to come back to the hospital. This is not easy for me. I really just want to hold her.