Cut him off or keep in limbo?

My ex/father of my child can be unpredictable and after our last blow out fight, we've split. Currently we are on polite terms although both of us are just not talking about the upcoming birth of our daughter. Him because he's scared and in the past 2 other women lied to him regarding pregnant matters. 
One got an abortion and didn't mention it until after the fact and then suddenly died and the other girl cheated on him and it turned out not to even be his. Also because his new friends who have kids and bitter have been all up in his ear about their "bad baby mamas" and yet....they are the kind of dudes that can't hold a relationship for shit because of their immaturity. He told me that his friends "hated me" and that they thought I should have an abortion. I'm 8 months and they told him that he should pray he's not the father. 😑😑 None of them even know anything about me (and the only one that does know anything about me...I politely declined a date with 3 years prior. He was my bosses son.) 
I don't talk about it because of all the times he's brushed me off on the topics, his lack of interest, he hasn't gotten a singular thing to even care for her and has contributed NOTHING other than his semen, in this pregnancy. He told me not to expect him to be happy or thrilled and verbally attacked me out of no where when I was 5 months basically telling me he thought I was disgusting, offensive and that he can't bring his friends around me because I have an opinion. 👀
Everything is constantly my fault and I just found out that he's been going out partying and running around with random girls and I just don't know what to do. I want to get things figured out but I'm honestly so done in by him that I am scared to even bring it up or text him to figure things out. I've never been in this situation before and I just want the best for our daughter and I want a peaceful relationship with him regardless of if we are together or not..but my therapist thinks I should cut him off entirely and says that some of his behavior and words are abusive. Advice from mommies that have been in this situation??