Sex & Bleeding

Me and my boyfriend have been sexually active since I was 16 and he was 18. (I'm now 18 and he's 20). We had sex maybe 3 times in those 2 years, until I got on birth control and now it's 1-2 times a week.  I started birth control when I turned 18 in April. About a month ago, we had protected sex on the last day of my period. I started bleeding during it, and just assumed it was my period since I was still on day #5. My period always lasts 5 days, never a day longer. Once I started bleeding, I didn't stop for another week. (I had my period for 2 weeks straight.) I didn't think anything else about it. 
Last night when we were having protected sex, I started bleeding again and haven't stopped yet. I'm not supposed to start my period for another 2 weeks, and I'm not planning on taking my sugar pills to hopefully skip my period this month all together. I know it's normal to bleed during sex, but is it normal to bleed for days/a week after?