At nine last night, I decided to dance the baby out

Sarah • Wife, Mother, Christ follower

At nine last night, I decided to dance the baby out! As I was having my own private dance party to the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack in my living room, I felt what I can only compare to the feeling of dripping period. I immediately thought my water broke, but couldn't see any other obvious signs and wasn't 100% sure. I decided to go to bed and wait it out.

Around 2:20 am, I woke up and then immediately 'peed' myself. I woke my husband, got up, and went to the bathroom. I had soaked through a pad, underwear, and leggings - it was clear and odorless. Time to head in!

The first few hours were uneventful: monitor baby, wait on test to see if it was amniotic fluid, trying to relax. Still no contractions beyond slight tightening of the belly.

At 6:15, I had my first REAL contraction. 3.5 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Pitocin at 7:00. By 8:00, the contractions were growing hard to bear. 8:30, I hopped in the tub - it helped minimally. Around 9:00, the nurse said she would check me again. At this point, I was shaking and asking my husband if he thought I should get the epidural. But when the nurse checked me, I was already a little beyond 9 cm! No time for an epidural! I waited until the doctor got there, and then after about 15 minutes of absolutely brutal pushing, Henry William Nelson joined the outside world!

He weighed 7lbs, 3 oz and was 19½ in long - dark hair, big nose from my side of the family, and so full of life! We love him so much already and are grateful for his speedy entrance into the world.