Big ass nose

😂😂 okay so ever since being pregnant I noticed my nose gradually getting big. I used to love my nose but now I can't help but crack jokes about it. So the other day my SO and I were putting the baby in our truck to go somewhere (its a 2 door F150) so the back door closes in with the front door ect. (I guess you can say 4 doors then😂) Anyways I was getting ready to get in the back seat with the baby bc I am a nervous wreck and this was like the first week of being home. So as I go to sit down idk what I did but I wacked my fucking nose off the part where the seatbelt comes out of by the front passengers head rest is and I started crying out of shock bc it hurt😂😂 I turned to my SO and he says "gotta watch that honker" hahaha we laughed and carried on with our day. (Theres a pic of my big ass rudolph nose😂😂😂) Lol I thought it was funny and thought I'd share a laugh haha