To get BC or not?

Tosha • Mother of one expires Dec 24th, 2017!
My fiance and I have been trying for a baby for the last 2yrs with no luck. We both have children already, 1 daughter each from past relationships. Mine lives with us but visits her father regularly and my finances lives with her mother and visits only a few 6 times a year. Recently, we decided to give up TTC and focus on just being together and gaining new experiences in life, traveling, etc. Our wedding is next October and we want to go on a cross country trip for the honeymoon. I've gone back and forth on whether to get put back on birth control or not. In a way, I don't want to because I haven't had any luck conceiving yet and don't even ovulate every month so chances of getting pregnant are slim anyway and we aren't against having a baby. On the other hand, if I do go back on birth control, it will balance my moods back out, makes my cysts a little better, and control my random periods making the traveling thing more enjoyable and allow us to ultimately choose exactly when to begin trying again. (we plan to get full medical help when we try again.) idk what to do. I'm very torn. Opinions?