I need some help, a friend maybe. I have none.

So things have been horrible this entire pregnancy already. Got pregnant at a horrible time, living with my mother in law who is the devil, battling super depression which has only intensified since being pregnant. I have been miserably sick constantly with bad headaches. I don't get to eat when I should and I'm always stressed. I skip my prenatal vitamins a lot. I have two other kids I love more than words and can barely take care of them. My husband tries but he never does enough. He's a good man and I love him though. Been together 12 years. He doesn't really understand what I'm going through, no one does. My sister betrayed me who was my only friend and one of my other sisters is always too busy with work and the last sister is on drugs and never comes around. I cry a lot. I just failed my sugar test and my iron was super low so I have to take supplements now. Gotta go back and have the three hour test. I'm 25 weeks pregnant with my first little girl. Just got told by my mother in law that she can't stand us being here anymore and told us to find somewhere else to live. We are trying to get up the money to move right now and do Christmas. My sons school is always on me because he misses. He had terrets syndrome and has to have iep teachers. I'm scared and lost and have no friends and my mom is always so negative and rude about my husband and I'm sick of it and she just isn't helpful like I thought she used to be. She has been depressed my whole life. I'm having a bad day today and don't even feel like I want to be alive let alone get up and go to work tomorrow but I'm the only income right now because my husband was let go and if I don't work than we have hi money and no one helps us but I need time off so bad. Please someone help me figure out what I can do. I feel stupid telling anyone e how I feel.