Christmas is coming! 🌲

Sarah • Proud mum to 2
Since Christmas is quickly approaching I though it would be neat to see what everyone's family traditions are for the holidays! One thing my family and I always do before Christmas is drive around town with hot chocolate and look at all the Christmas lights. Even now that I'm an adult I still enjoy doing this with my parents/lil sis and now with my son. Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> we always get to open one gift and every year it's new pjs. We wear them that night! My sister and I have our own little tradition where we sleep in the same room Xmas <a href="">eve</a> night so we can get up together in the morning. Xmas morning my dad hands out gifts one at a time, making sure to read out the name tags. Then we have a delicious breakfast casserole and the rest of the family comes over for a big feast later on in the day. We also always get an ornament for the tree so when we're older we have a bunch for our own tree. Even though I'm now an adult I genuinely look forward to doing these things with my family and I plan to continue them all with my son. Let's hear yours!!!Â