
I hope I'm not the only one but I seriously hate my life right now. I'm 32 weeks pregnant and the whole pregnancy I have been fighting with my in laws and my mom. My husband takes My in laws side. I feel so alone. My husband won't have sex with me, he says it's cause he doesn't feel comfortable because I am pregnant. Who could blame him? My body is disgusting right now. I feel like he just doesn't love me anymore. I feel so alone. My husband won't listen to me when I talk to him. He just acts like I'm a broken record. I don't know if it's because of my hormones or what. Anyone else just feel like they hit their worst point while pregnant? I would really like someone to talk to. I hate it because I start thinking "what did I get myself into by becoming pregnant??". It's not my baby's fault though. It just feels like I'm sinking further and further :(