Loss my baby at 7 weeks 3 days due to ectopic (tubal) pregnancy

I loss my baby on 11/28/16😭😭😭. This would have been my and my significant other first child. Hcg levels were in progressing but little did I know my baby was growing in my right tube. I went for my first ultrasound and my doctor told me my baby heart was beating but he was very concern that my pregnancy was growing in my tube. They did another ultrasound to confirm his concern. Unfortunately I had to go in for surgery to remove my baby and right tube. The only indications I had was spotting and slight cramping here and there. Deep down inside I knew something was wrong. However, Im glad I know now before it was a little too late but I'm still very heartbroken 💔😭 over the fact I loss my baby and my right tube. I was looking so forward for this pregnancy but I guess it wasn't the right time. Maybe one day I will be bless to have a successful pregnancy. Sorry for the long passage.