Life just isnt and wont be the same anymore

After having a conversation about how my mom has went off and got a new family, I was sitting here thinking should I have even brought that up. I was talking to my client I am a caregiver and I guess the average person would be embarrassed to say their mom has a new family, but its true and I feel some type of way because her boyfriend has kids that's all adults and his wife passed away and my mom lost her husband a couple years ago, so that was something they had in common they both suffered a lost and are now widow and widower. My mom is currently filling that void for him and his family even though his kids will say can't no woman take their moms place but my mom is doing motherly and wifey things and I notice every time I go over my moms place her boyfriend grown kids over there his daughter so close to my mom she be in the bed with her and I've never been that close to my mom ever, so she's probably appreciating that affection if they are showing her affection because his daughter killed someone before and I know my mom is hard to get along with and every time I see her she looks worse and worse. I'm currently in a abusive relationship and its highly noticeable. I be like what is really going on. First my grandma passed away in 2009 suddenly after telling the family she had cancer she died less than a month and nobody knew she was sick because she was out of town away from the family then my stepfather died a year later and his death was suddenly. His boss came to the house and thought he was well enough to go back to work a week after being off and he died like the next week. I couldn't believe it and then that's when my mom ruined her life by trusting a new young guy less than 6 months after her husbands death. I tried to get a job and help my mom because of the loss of income due to my stepfather passing and she threw me out so I moved on but still afraid of what the young guy had up his sleeve because he would steal the house and car keys so I said forget it I'm grown I gotta go and like I knew the young guy ruined her life she lost her job, car, apartment, and ended up homeless then later met this new guy with all the grown kids. I hate the little gap of not being with her because of her condition she looks horrible. Now just this past Halloween my brother got kilt I just threwy hands up and said this has been too much for my mom, but I'm seeing now what can I do with myself after all.those losses and I got the nerve to be a.caregiver helping people when I need help and needless to say I've been shot before, so someone tried to kill me which is y I don't have kids even though doc think I'm fine. I'm like how is the rest of my life about to be like my only brother dead, my grandma, my boyfriend is abusive, my stepfather dead, i probably never have kids, my mom has a new family in which I know if I ever tried to get cool with my mom bfriend kids its definitely gon be a problem because my mom could never admit that the young guy is why her life got ruined she blames me saying I left her homeless, so she has ruined my rep with ppl who don't even know me by lying. She put her trust in the wrong ppl and I don't see how she could even sleep around a man who daughter has kilt somebody and not in jail I'm like is she thinking about all the losses she just took. My brothers killer is still out there its sad even though I feel like everybody else who suddenly died was murdered too. I just wonder what can I do with myself. If I never have kids I can never be happy with a man who has kids.