Cycles changing from month to month


Hey ya'll. Do you have issues with symptom spotting month to month because nothing seems to stay the same??

I feel like my 'normal' is always changing!!

The last 2 cycles I have noticed that in the beginning and end of my fertile window I have had big globs of ewcm and just a little in between. It's very strange & was wondering if anyone else had experienced this?

I also was complaining to my OB a few months back about alot of pain with AF and O and sometimes in between (almost 2 years ago had a c section, I also have 2 fibroids) and it seemed to have went away for a while but that's also back with the last 2 cycles.

I cannot figure out my cycles because they're always different and I drive myself nuts thinking I'm pregnant! I swore I would stop symptom spotting and early testing but it's hard when nothing stays the same. I've also noticed random bits of nausea. It just hits me for a few seconds or sometimes after I eat, etc. Idk what to think and was wondering if anyone could relate at all?!