It happen all so fast


It happen all so fast! The night before (Thanksgiving <a href="">eve</a>) my husband and I were prepping/cooking our sides for Thanksgiving. It was going to be at our home this year. So, I was in kitchen cutting yams etc. Getting ready for bed like normal and I fell asleep and I started having pains (which I thought were braxton hicks or a stomach ache that I had earlier then went away)... unfortunately, these pains weren't going away nor did they become less intense. Lost most of my mucus plug (while having a BM -- TMI) sorry! Then, I knew.. called Doctor told me to wait until contractions got closer. They were coming every 15-20 mins. My husband knew this was not a false alarm.

Mind you, I had not had a hospital bag packed, no baby clothes washed. Just my labor gown.. my husband and I got our 4.5 yo son ready to go to his grands and in between contractions I was able to wash baby clothes and pack a bag (w/help of my dh).

Traveled about 25 mins to hospital arrived around 11ish (I think- I had "blur" moments being in so much pain!!) We were triaged the nurse checked me and I was already 6 cm!

Ball started rolling they took me right in my labor and delivery room to setup because our son was coming! A complication w/ the IV but after thay smooth sailing WITH contractions. Epidural finally in at 8 cm. Finally comfy. By the time my Mom and Sis in-law made it I was ready to push. With a whopping TWO pushes our beautiful son Maddox was born. He decided to make his appearance 3 weeks early on Thanksgiving! Truly a blessing!! We still can't fathem the fact he's here and how it all happened so fast. God is good!!