Going back to work....

I went back to work the other day, and it was just terrible. I cried the week leading up to it and all night before and the morning of. The second day was harder, because then i knew what to expect and i found out how much i physically can miss my daughter. Since i went back i cry every morning and every night while i hold her. I like my job, it has decent pay the people are great, i just wish it came when she was older. We can't really afford to stay home, but all my husband says is "stop making yourself so upset" or "itll get easier". If i hear itll get easier one more time im goig to lose it, how is it going to get easier to hand my daughter off, knowing ill miss her most awake times, her smiles, and who knows how many firsts. It wont get easier, i'll just get used to it. And i cant stand the guilt, she needs her mommy, we need to strengthen our bond. Most of the time at my job i just sit at my desk because my work is done, then all i do is think about her. Ive tried finding stay at home jobs with no luck. Im on anti-depressants but since ive gone back ive just been so miserable, so depressed. I know its not my husbands fault he doesnt make more but i cant help but hate him sometimes, trust me i know thats not right. I dont know what to do i hate feeling like this but its not getting better i just want to be with my daughter all day. Does anyone have any similar experiences, or helpful advice?