surprise kitten!

So let me give some back story. A fear years back I had a kitten named George Gremlin. He was diagnosed positive for feline leukemia on December 12th, 2014. He passed away 10 months later before he was even a year old. 
Fast forward to last night, SO and I went out to play pool and hangout with his other friend. We get back home and I step out of my car and there's a kitten following me. SO goes to get some food for her and I sit down and she automatically is attached to me. A little bit later I go to get in my car to leave and she jumps in the car with me, puts her paws on my knee and looks up at me like "please take me home".  And that's the story of how I got Ms. Kitty. She goes to the vet on Friday to check for leukemia and FIV and get an estimate on her age. She's extremely malnourished and we think she might have ear mites. 
I feel like George showed me this cat to let me know that he's happy and healthy up at the rainbow bridge and that he's still looking after me. The crazy thing is that he passed away around this time last year.