Pregnant right after first baby


Are there any moms out there who got pregnant (accidentally or on purpose) right after having a baby? I had my son October 12th and got my first period on November 18th. Went to my follow up on the 23rd and got the all clear to resume sex and start birth control on the 27th. Well, last night my husband and I had sex for the first time since baby and like an idiot, I completely forgot that my bc isn't effective yet. (Combination of not having to worry about bc in over a year and the excitement of having sex again) so since I started my bc after I got my period, it would lengthen the amount of time until I get my period again. However, I felt ovulation pains on the 27th like right before I got pregnant with my son. Should I keep taking my bc and just see if I miss my period or just test when I would have gotten my period?

**even though it wasn't planned, I'd be happy, I'm just wondering out loud to help the 2 week wait that's ahead of me**