Cultural stupidity

I'm a first time mom and gave birth a little over two months ago. Here is some background info on my husband and I... I'm an only child while he has a younger sister. I didn't change my last name when we got married and our daughter's legal last name is both of ours combined with a hyphen. We are Chinese and boys are much more preferred (they are called "little emperors" for a reason) because they will carry on their family's last name! 🙄 Both my parents and in laws could care less about that bullshit (our daughter is the first grandchild on both sides) and they love their granddaughter to death!  My husband has two aunts (his father's sisters) who are elderly , never been married and have no kids. This is where my vent begins... when I was still pregnant and before finding out the gender, they both said they wanted it to be a boy because he will "carry on our last name"... my husband thought it was stupid. Fast forward to this weekend, they've over at my in laws and pretty much stated that they want us to have another child in hopes that it'll be a boy. My husband and I both agreed that we are done-- my labor was HELL, I was in labor for more than a day and I had to have an unplanned C section. I'm on the IUD and he's even stated that if he have another baby, it'll definitely be an accident! Meanwhile his aunts are making comments like "oh you'll (talking to our daughter not that she understands) have a little brother to play with", "having one girl and one boy, that'll be really good and you'll be set!" "Having a son, he'll pass down our family last name", "oh you can keep her clothes and give it to her little brother when the time comes" etc. I'm trying to not let it get to me because they're old fashioned but at the same time I think it's such bullshit in terms of why they think we need to have a son but also this is my fucking body, they have no right to tell me what I should be doing with it!
I just had my baby two months ago and they're already thinking ahead! HELL NO!