time to tell

I don't really know where to post this but I just kinda need to let it out... Okay, so at the start of this year, I had a miscarriage. I just turned 17 yesterday. I was in between contraception and didn't mean to get pregnant. Not that I would of been unhappy/angry if I did. But I didn't even realise I was pregnant at the time. I only realised I was miscarrying when I was almost a month late for my period. It was early evening one night and I just started bleeding uncontrollably and I couldn't move because of the pain. I couldn't sit, I couldn't stand, I couldn't lie down and my mum was worried because I'd never had a 'period with cramps like this' before. She asked me if there was any chance of me being pregnant but I said no completely forgetting in the moment that me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex because we didn't have any condoms on us. But it's the next day and I'm completely fine apart from mild cramping and very very light spotting. I thought at the time it was just a period. But for a couple of months all that was playing on my mind was 'it's more than a period' and 'I think mum was right' etc. I was too scared to go to the doctors about it because I really didn't wanna hear them say 'I told you so'. 2 weeks ago I finally went to the doctors and spoke with them about it and they said that from what I explained, it was a miscarriage. They couldn't perform any tests because of how long ago it was there wouldn't be any point. Still to this day, the only ones that know about this is me and my doctor. I'm too scared to tell anyone else becuse of judgement and resentment. I've been carrying this on my shoulders for so long and went through it all on my own and I still cry about it most nights. I can't even begin to imagine the pain some of you ladies feel when you're ttc and have had miscarriage after miscarriage because I wasn't trying and I'm heartbroken. 
I'm sorry this is so long and I'm not looking for anything like comments etc, I just needed to tell someone, anyone.