My husband said she will always come before me!!!!


My husband and I got into an argument and since we got married a few other times. In the end he somehow makes it about his mom (I did tell him once I don't like how she invites herself with us when we have plans to do something). He said his mom did a lot for him growing up and he never wants to upset her so she will always come first.

I told him I love his mom and respect her but I'm his wife now (basically cut umbilical cord) and nothing. One time he was driving me to the doctor and his mom happened to call and say she needed a ride. (His mom is nosey and I imagined her being I. The doctors office with me and I got upset) and I said uh, I have a doctor's appointment and ur mom wants to come to that tooo??.... He got SO mad, drove me back home and went to get his mom.

So we had an argument 2 days ago and just made up but during the argument he said his mom comes first (and the argument isn't even about her not the slightest bit!!!) So I was like what does she have to do with it???? And he told me she comes first? All out of context. So clearly something feels weird.

It's making me despise his mom so much. I brought up that it's clear his mom is first since he didn't take me to my Doctors appointment to go pick up his mom and he didn't even respond or try to make things better.

Ugh!!!!!!!! I feel like I'm being a third wheel with his relationship w his mom.