I would really appreciate some insight please.

I was recently diagnosed with pcos. They did a scan on me in march that showed a lot of cysts on both ovaries. I've had regular periods since that scan, until this month. 
(Side note, I bled for 4 years straight before getting pregnant. After my pregnancy though I was normal) 
This month on the first I started spotting brown. Which slowly led to me bleeding brown. And it hasn't stopped. I have noticed recently that lately after sex the blood I'm bleeding is bright red (new blood) a few hours after sex and i actually bleed enough to fill a pad, which isn't normal for my regular every day bleeding. Other symptoms when I went and saw my gyno was my ovaries are very swollen. 
Now I'm having a hard time peeing. It doesn't want to come out. No burning. My bowel movements have also changed to constipation. This symptom has been there for months. I do go to the bathroom though every couple of days. I'm also extremely bloated. No fever
Can someone please respond to this. Everything I've been looking up is pointing to cancer. But you know google...so I'm hoping someone can tell me what the heck. I've been posting about this but barely anyone reads this