32 weeks pregnant. Extended family living with me

My sister has moved in with me for a couple of years with her 7 year old daughter. They are adjusting to a new country and I offered them to stay with me until they adjust. Problem is when I offered I was not pregnant with my 3rd child. My two older kids are 10 and 8 and both boys and very easy to handle. But my niece is a completely different story. She is spoiled and always get her way as she is used to nannies and maids at home. Now my job has dramatically increased and I'm hardly getting any rest. Between cooking cleaning and doing groceries I am also taking care of 3 kids. My sister helps but is on her own schedule and I'm getting drained from all the work. I was hoping she will be able to help me with the baby but it seems like I will be stuck with 4 kids all alone as I am a stay at home mom. I can tell my kids to help around but my niece likes to pass orders all the time. She doesn't let anyone watch tv when she wakes up. She asks for breakfast and then keep asking for things so I have to get up 2-3 times just to serve her. I don't know what to do. I'm getting really tired and I need help but I'm getting annoyed with everything now.