Sorta about personal hygiene, mostly about mental health.

For several years I've battled with Bipolar disorder. I suffered more depressive episodes than manic episodes, and being that I was under 18 (my doctor didn't like to diagnose minors as bipolar), I was misdiagnosed with Major Depression. For 6 years I was on 7 different antidepressants that did nothing except crush my hopes of ever feeling better. For these 6 years I let my personal hygiene go. I'd go weeks without a shower, if I brushed my teeth once a day it was a miracle, I never washed my face. The only thing I kept on top of washing (with vagasil ph balance soap- no douching I know better) was my lady bits because I'm prone to utis and yeast infections. I was pretty gross otherwise. Recently I was given a proper diagnosis and medication that actually worked. It changed my outlook on life, I wasn't stuck in bed all day sobbing or sleeping because I had no interest in living. But I still didn't want to go out much. I decided my best next step would be to start taking pride in my appearance. I'd already started washing my hair every few days when it got oily simply because it annoyed the crap out of me. But as of just this past week I've started actually washing my face and brushing my teeth after every meal (which also helps me not over eat because food tastes gross with tooth paste taste in you mouth). I already feel better. I want to touch my face because it's soft and smooth, not oily and completely covered in pimples. My teeth are still a little yellow, but they're not covered in plaque and look almost orange. I want to smile and actually show some teeth now. I started crying writing this, because I'm 19 and haven't cared about myself at all for the entirety of my adolescence. It's a little emotional for me to realize that now I do. I finally love myself. If you asked me a year ago if I thought it was possible my answer would be no, but here I am. Happy, engaged, and loving myself.