social security stolen.

About a month ago my purse was stolen which contained my social security as well. I put a fraud alert on my social security and today I decided to check my credit score and go through my summary and noticed an unfamiliar address which I've never been too or heard of. I called Experian and they're telling me that address was issued in 2009. How is that possible? I'm only 20 years old and 7 years ago I was about 11 years old! There's no way that could have happened. I looked up the address and it's a home I've never seen before. Can anyone give me some type of information because I am so confused. Why does is this address appearing on my credit score and how are they able to use my social security with it? I'm sorry, I'm just so worried right now. And before I get crap about my social security being in my purse, I was in Sacramento getting some papers I needed from the Secretary of State and had to take my social security with me. My luck.