I'm 15, my period is 20 days late and its now cycle day 52. My periods have been anywhere from 24-35 days but never this late. It feels like I've ovulated but im not sure. My cervix is very low and hard. I have discharge that feels like my period. I have sex twice on November 5th and 8th ....3 weeks after my last period. Every time we used a spermicide condom, im pretty sure i wasnt fertile, he pulled out, he also finished before we had sex and he peed. Im super scared and i dont have anyone to talk to about this.My boyfriend doesnt thknk i am, and im also big for my age. I dont have any sore boobs or back pains but im so scared. Someone please explain to me whats going on, im 15 and don't have money or a car to get a test and im really scared, someone please help me and tell me that i couldnt possible be pregnant