What should i do about my mentally unstable mother (WARNING: LONG)

I'm 17 and my mom is 40. She has a master's degree in physical therapy and a bachelor's in special education. She is very educated and seems to be able to think straight.. Well, most of the time. However my mom mistakes her paranoid schizophrenia as "bad anxiety". It's actually pretty ironic because she works with kids with schizophrenia yet she won't admit she has it.

I don't want to tell her I think she has schizophrenia because she'd probably have another mental breakdown due to me saying that. She can never accept reality. She would rather live in a world where she thinks she can control bad things from happening. So when something bad does happen to her or to her family, she shuts down, feels suicidal (i have found suicide notes from her in the past as a child) and sobs uncontrollably. She thinks she can control my siblings and I. She thinks if she says something enough then we will think the same way as her. For example i told her i wanted to get my GED due to my horrible anxiety and panic attacks (medication doesn't help). Instead of being at least a little understanding, she called me a loser. She said i will never go to college or have a good job. Then she sobbed for 3 hours. She tells me not to read the news at all because of the crimes that reporters write about.

I have made several posts about her on here before because I have no one to talk to about her. Some of you may remember my post about when she said she thinks that life is fake and every person is an actor (Including me) after she came to come get me from school for self harming when i was 12. This is just one example of her extreme paranoia. She gets paranoid about every little thing. Every. Little. Thing. She is also delusional. She always hears a voice crying or a voice saying "Mom" every single day. She is overtly dramatic and if someone does something that she doesn't agree with, she takes it very personal and acts like that person is evil.

Her behavior has stressed me and my younger siblings out so much that we all have different mental issues of our own. She has taken a real toll on our mental health but she never gets help for herself or me and my older brother. My younger sisters only got help because one (14 ) ran away and then hit my mother when she was caught (she is psychotic and is on meds for it) . The other (15) tried to kill herself so they were both forced to be in a mental hospital. I got help because i finally decided to take action and went to a therapist myself. Idk whats wrong with my brother but something is visibly wrong with him. (he is the worst out of us all mentally) He can obviously not help himself at this point but my mom just says she doesn't have the money to take care of him. The thing is were all on medicare and she has never paid for our therapy, medication or anything of the sort.

Instead of trying to make the best of life or seeing anything positive, she just sits around and pities herself. This has cause my siblings and I to have the same attitude. She doesn't seem to care about things that matter. She'd rather worry and stress about things that are very unlikely to happen. Her mental health condition has gotten worse. She doesn't clean at all. Our house was so filthy that if i had not moved back in and did a deep clean, she would have gotten all of her kids taken away

If I call someone to come help her or something, will my siblings and I be put into Foster care? What should I do about her? Just wait until I'm 18 and move out again or what?