Back to Back pregnancy after c-section


I'm wondering if anyone had back to back pregnancies with the first having a c-section delivery? My dr told me to wait 12-18 months before getting pregnant to fully heal. We plan on waiting 2 years before trying for #2 but I am nervous about an unplanned pregnancy. I am almost 8 weeks PP, EBF and already have my first period so I think I will be fertile sooner than planned. I'm on the mini pill due to BF and I don't have any other options for birth control. (Seriously. no other options)

My question is, is you got pregnant right after a c-section, did you have complications? Extra monitoring? I plan on talking to my Dr at my baby's 2 month apt just to get info but just curious if anyone has had issues. We are definitely trying to avoid it but my anxiety makes me think about all the "what ifs"