Am I pregnant??

So let me tell you alittle bite about myself. I'm 31 years old. Me and my Husband have been together for 15 years. And since about the 2nd year together we decided that we wanted a baby. We tryed and tryed and nothing so I gave up being a Mom. We were together for 9 years before I got pregnant with our son who just turned 5 years old. Now when I was pregnant with him my body went stupid Trying to push him out of me. Almost lost him acouple if times. When I was less than 8 wks I was order to bed rest!!!! Well everything that you wish NOT to happen... Happened!!! I carried him to 32 wks after having to be put in the hospital. Now fast forward to when my son was 15 months old I found out I was pregnant again. I was sooo happy to know that for all those year's of not getting pregnant and now pregnant with my second baby. But again my body went stupid and I had have a ultra sound the baby was good growing and all the sudden I was back in the hospital getting told the baby was No longer a baby that it had mutated and now on May 9,2013 I ended up having to have a DNC. It broke my heart almost my Marriage but we ended up working though it. Now fast forward to today. We have now been trying to get pregnant the last 3 month's. My cycle is ever 26 days always having them like last month I had it early just about 4 days. Every month when I do get my period I get pains on my left side bad discharge days before. So yesterday I was suppose to get my period and nothing. No pain NO discharge nothing. I have been sick in the morning's Nauseous alillte tinder in my breast and craving sweets lol. So what do you think?? I scared to take a test