

I finally get to relive the moment.

Well we will start from the morning of November 27th. I woke up and bam instantly puked pure acid. I shrugged it off and went about my day. Mind you I was 40 + 1. I felt what seemed to be braxton Hicks but nothing time able or painful. So continuing my day ad normal, I had some back pain but it was normal for me. Yay sciatica!!

Fast forward to 9:00pm I felt good and ate dinner and around 10:00pm I went to bed and laid down on my right side watching tv. I remember looking at my clock and it being 10:56 pm and I coughed lightly and felt a tiny leak, I thought to myself greaaaaat I peed myself. But when I stood WOOSH I kid you not it was like never ending Niagara falls. I yelled for my gma and she had me call L&D and so we went in 30 mins later.

They got me all set up everything was a okay! I was breathing through contractions. Walking a lot moving around, using the ball, breathing and I thought to myself 'This isn't so bad!!' I had progressed dilating to a 5 and effacing to 100% when I hit a 6 or 7 they noticed his heart rate would dip. So they asked me to stay in bed as they monitored him.

Then every time I laid down his heart beat would fluctuate. He hated my left side, so i was constantly on my right.

And then out of no where my contractions were a minute apart consistently with no break which made his heart rate go down, so they gave me an injection in my hip to make my contractions spread out. Everything settled. Then I was screaming for an Epi as the consistent contractions came back. The monitor couldn't tell my heart rate from babies heart rate so they had to insert a wand like thing and attach a monitor to my babies head. When she stuck the wand in my membranes ruptured even more causing even more fluid to gush out I will tell you that was a relief all in itself.

She had checked me again I was dialated nicely to a 7 woo!! But as soon as she quit checking me his heartbeat dropped and stayed low. They made me get on all 4s and wheeled me out to do an emergency c section as my baby boy wasn't tolerating my contractions anymore.

He was born at 12:05 pm weighing 7 lbs 3 oz and he is 19 3/4 inches long. I labored for 12 hrs.

P.S he was sunny side up and lodged in my pelvis .