* Update * 10dpo today is this a good sign? TMI

Alice 🇬🇭🇬🇧
Been getting a lot of snotty looking cm ( sorry TMI) since 7dpo along with sore boobs but I get that befor Af so I'm not sure.  Abit of lose bowls again ( sorryTMI) very tired and backache but apart from that nothing. My BBT is all over place I don't really look at that. It's my 8cycle TTC and just want to make sure I'm not reading too much into things.  My AF is due 5 December and I'm usually dry before AF is due . *update*
Just a quick update on this post. If anyone was wondering I got my AF 2days after I had this cm 😔 very unusual for me as I'm usually dry before I get my AF.