Toddlers and eating

Amanda • 27 ttc for #1

I babysit my niece. I'm kinda her nanny anyway we both are burnt out on her mom's schedule she has for my niece who is 2 and a picky eater. She's all about texture of the food. What are some other ideas besides the food on her schedule I can try?

Edit: Sorry forgot to put she's my half brother's daughter. She just turned 2 in September and I'll be here nanny till January sometime bc I'm moving with my bf. I've told the mom she doesn't eat PB&J bc I've offered it and she says don't like it. She doesn't eat any kind of meat. She's more of a fruit eater than anything and she likes some pasta just really picky like her dad. The mom doesn't seem to care much as long as she eats bc I've mentioned a lot and it's been this way for a few weeks now. I don't have kids so I'm trying my best to offer her what she likes so she will eat