Role playing = cheating!?! Kind long 😂

cozzie • ✌🌎🍍🐐

My boyfriend of a year and a half like to role play on line with other people. (sexual way) I at first I had never really thought about it. The past couple of months I have had some same issues going. It had been putting a Lot if stress on me and how it has started to bother me that he does. I just feel like he shouldn't be doing it since we are in a serious relationship.

I don't know if he did it before we started dating. I'm fine with him watching porn but role playing not really I feel like he shouldn't give someone else that kind of attention That he would give to me.

He's very honest with me and has never lied about anything. (Can be a little annoying) he says he never lies...

He has been cheated on before and day he would never do it himself. I feel like he doesn't consider it cheating.

Is it wrong for me to change my opinion about it?

Do you consider it cheating?

What do yo think I should do?