Is it okay?

Mo • Married 9/24/16. Mommy 7/22/17 ❤️
Just got done watching the newest Philip DeFranco video and I'm the beginning he talks about a particular story that I found interesting and am looking to discuss (not on YouTube for obvious reasons lol) 
It's the story of a porn star named Emily Ratajkowski who did a lingerie/nude photo shoot back in 2012. Super classy, very well done. She even has some of the pictures on her personal, professional website. 
Fast-forward to now and the photographer is releasing the other 100 photos from the shoot in a book on his website for 80$. Emily is not okay with this and took to twitter to voice her disapproval. So the question is. Is this okay? Is the photographer in the right? 
I'm on the fence. 
But the law states that since he is the artist and he took the pictures they are his to do as he pleases unless she paid him or there is some sort of contract in place stating the photos are solely hers. But on the other hand it is her body and she should have a say about how pictures of her are used and distributed. Or should she? A lot of people are arguing that she is a porn star and lots of people see her naked so what's the big deal? 
Where do you stand. 
Is this okay? Yes or no. 

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