husband jerking off

Right after my husband and I got married, probably 3 days after, I walked in on my husband jerking off while i was home. He felt so bad he cried and cried and promised me it would never happen again and how bad he felt. Today, I come home from work and caught him again, he said it's because "he missed me" but I asked him if He watched porn and he said yes. I sleep next to him every night and he doesn't touch me. Should I be mad? Because I'm super pissed, and feel ugly and unloved. Idk what to do 
You women on here, or should I say girls? Are extremely rude. How can you call yourself a mother? I don't post this to get torn apart, I didn't say "he jerks off should I be mad" I explained a little bit of the history and why I'm upset. Porn is an issue, and not showing me affection to me is as well. You are missing the whole picture. My husband knows it's wrong, or he wouldn't have been upset and he wouldn't have came home with flowers apologizing. We have boundaries in our marriage, all marriages should..and he knew he crossed it. It's a respect thing.