family drama !! should I leave my house when my brother comes for a visit??

yaya mustan
This might run a little longer. Please try to read this through and advise. My brother got married 11 years ago and so did I. In the beginning I use to get along with my sister in law. I immigrated with my husband to another country right after marriage. My sister in law was living in the same country and city so until my brother arrived I used to see her a lot. The day my brother arrived she started picking small fights with me like why did I ask her about her size or if she is hungry. Yes that minor stuff. I have profusely apologized numerous times to my brother and her even though sometimes I was not at mistake. Yet she and I grew apart and after trying for few years I gave up. My brother lives in same city and do not visit me. I have invited him over Christmas and my kids birthdays but he has never came. Last time he came was over two years ago. His excuse was always that he doesn't have a nice car and the drive is almost an hour so he doesn't want to take the risk on his car breaking down. He bought a brand new car 6 months ago but still didn't visit me. I found that from our mutual friends. The last time he called me was in March. If I ever call him he doesn't answer his phone and never returns his calls. I bought a house in august and invited him to house warming but he never showed up. He said he got stuck at work and couldn't make it. It's December now and he never came. Well a week ago my sister and niece moved in with me on student visa and will be living with me for a couple of years. He called my sister and told her he is coming to visit HER on the weekend. He didn't bother asking me or my husband if we are free (he is coming to our house). I'm thinking of leaving the house once he is here and stay out until he is gone coz apparently he is not there to visit me. My husband is also at work and he didn't wanted my brother to come to our home after everything but hubby is not saying anything due to my sister. What should I do ???