girls in my gym 😑

So me and few girls were talking in gym class and we got on the subject of shaving. We agreed that shaving armpits was an every other day thing. We also agreed that having leg hair wasn't a bad thing at all. But what we didn't agree on was lady hair. I don't shave my lady everyday like they said they do and I don't think there's anything wrong with having hair there. But those girls said I was disgusting and they said they felt sorry for my boyfriend who had to deal with an unshaven pussy. I am by no means disgusting and I believe that women everywhere have the right to choose how much pubic hair they have. My boyfriend doesn't care about me being hairy and it's not like it's a jungle! I shave once every week because that's what I feel is healthy for my sensitive skin. My hair does grow back fast but I maintain good hygiene so I don't know what the big deal is. Has anyone else felt like they were less than who they are because of other women? I want to hear everyone's stories about how they coped with other women putting them down.Â