Irritated Girlfriend.

I am having problems with my boyfriend. He is a sweet heart and fun and makes me laugh, but he is such an ass sometimes!! It makes me so mad! He works for the railroad and isn't home often. Recently, we got in an argument about how I didn't do the dishes last night. Normally I don't mind and I've voiced that to him. I also don't care if he does them or not. What bothers me is when he mentions it to me that they didn't get done. I have tried to have conversations with him about how I am well aware of when the dishes need done and I don't need him mentioning it. But the second I ask him why he didn't have time to do them I'm the bad guy for "telling" him to do it and how he's only home for 12-24 hours so he gets busy. I get rolling eyes and irritated responses! I try not to bring up the topic most of the time because of this but it happens all the time when I try to talk with him in a calm manner and nice tones... I just don't get the same response!
Also after arguing about it. He says well why don't you just say your sorry and that you forgot. Which I voice that is what I did in the first place. But he proceeded to accuse me of procrastinating!