Am I crazy for getting mad at my husband?

Am I right for getting frustrated/mad at  my husband?  I love him very much. He's a sweet, loving man and will be a wonderful father to our baby BUT sometimes I think I'm dealing with a child. 
I don't think he realizes that having a baby is not a game.
I'm all for him getting into fun projects. He's super smart and creative, loves to work with wood, on his classic car, motorcycle, bike, etc. and now he's thinking of putting together a computer w/ crazy hightech things that I don't understand. 
My issue is... all the parts will be all over the apartment, and he thinks he'll have plenty of time to spare!! He hasn't fix the closet to fit more baby stuff in it, build the shelves he said he would, put the car seat in the car. Hell, he hates to pay bills, go grocery shopping or do anything related to the house or adult shit !! We are supposed to be a team.l!! and I wrong?? 
I'm due a week from now!!! a week!! I told him to at least wait a month after the baby is born and then decide if building the PC thing now is a good idea or not.
Am I being irrational ?? This could be his way of dealing with change but I don't give an F anymore. I have to take care of everything else for our family. I feel like I am the boring, naggy wife that I never wanted to be but I have no other option!!! All I need is f'ng help !! 
I am mad and I really don't think I need the stress of having a teenager and a baby!! We both wanted a baby, well... here he is!! 
I already told him what I feel but can anyone pls tell me what else I could do to get it through his head ???