Excited as can be, we are expecting baby #3

Bre • Happily married to my best friend... Mother of 2 boys with one on the way ✨❤️
I am 28 with 2 precious boys, they are 8 & 9. My husband and I have been wanting a baby for awhile, life kinda got in the way and I didn't get pregnant like I wanted after our 2nd son was born. So in February of this year, we decided we would try for a baby, just like the 2 times before. I became pregnant first try, we were over the moon in excitement. Shorty after finding out we were expecting. I started spotting, and having severe back pain. I was sure I was going to miscarry, went to the E.R. and found out it was an ectopic pregnancy and my tube was ruptured 😢.... I lost my tube and was so sad, but thankfully had one tube left. I went in September to have an HSG done to make sure my right tube was clear and healthy. When doc said it looked great, my response was "Hell Yea" 😂😂... she said after they flushed the tube I will be super fertile for the first 3 months. Boy was she right about that. My husband works out of town , he came home for Thanksgiving, which was the first time seeing him in months. First time was a complete success. WE ARE PREGNANT!!!! I am so excited yet very scared. Monday is my first round of Betas. Praying my little love is in my uterus this time. If all does well, baby is expected 8/12/17